Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Michael Rosen Poems

In our class we have been writing Michael Rosen Poems to extend our knowledge in poetic writing styles. These are our two poems.

I have always liked soccer.
No matter how hard I try
I can never let a ball go
without smashing it into the back of a goal.

Today I am trialing for a spot in the Nelson team
to go to Blenheim and have a good time.
When I hopped out of my car I thought
“ There’s not too many here, I may have a chance”
But 5 minutes later they all started to get here.
And I mean all started to get here.
There were around 60 kids there of all shapes and sizes and now I thought
“What have I gotten myself into Sam.”
(excerpt from Sam's poem)

Event: First Day of School

I looked through the big metal gates,
Dreaming and thinking about all that could be,
I looked to the left,
Looked to the right,
I saw lots of buildings stacked up nice and high,
I saw children bustling and playing,
With gleeful smiles stretched wide across their faces,
Mum opened the gate,
I cautiously walked forward,
Not knowing where to go,
Just following my feet,
I walked into one of those high buildings,
Hung my bag on an empty hook,
Pushed open the door.

It was warm and toasty inside,
Ms Dawkins greeted me at the door with a cheerful “good morning”,
I sat on the mat with my legs crossed,
Arms crossed,
Eyeing up the rest of the class,
We learn our ABC’s,
And count to three,
The bell has gone that means the day has passed,
In comes Mum to pick me up,
I look over my shoulder for a final glance,
But I know I’ll be back tomorrow though,
At that moment I knew this was the place for me.

By Nikau

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 11
    We are in Singapore, it is so hot over here. It feels like you have been stuffed in a small cardboard box with millions of heaters on!!!! So far we have been to the bird park, the zoo, the night safari where we have been shown how to recycle by an otter called Felix, which put plastic bottles etc in different baskets. We had a tour of the town on the hop on bus, we also stopped by at the Singapore flyer where you could see sky scrappers as far as the eye could see. Singapore is pretty big ontop but it is like there is another whole world underneath with all the subways and markets. We leave for Vietnam today and will be there for two weeks. Hope you are having fun in the nice cool weather!
