Sunday, March 28, 2010

House Leaders 2010

Nearly all the students in Room 11 put themselves forward to be considered as a House Leader. They made our jobs very hard, as they are a very capable group of students. After C.V.'s being considered, speeches being presented, and leadership shown around the school and in class the following students were selected.
Congratulations students and I look forward to work with you during the year...

Term 1, Week 9 Newsletter/Home Learning....

Wow, hard to believe it's our last week of the term Room 11.
You have had a fantastic term and I hope you enjoy the last week and the two weeks of the Easter Hols :)
Mrs S

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Term 1, Week 8 Newsletter/Home Learning....

Hi class
Great week of work from you last week, enjoy summer tournament on Tuesday - remember 'To Be All You Can Be'.
House Leader speeches on Wednesday and three way conferences on Thursday.
Yet another busy week :)
Mrs S

Term 1, Week 7 Newsletter/Home Learning....

Great week away on camp guys, hope you got some sleep over the weekend
Mrs S

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Camp Spotlight

It was a cold, starry Thursday night when we made our way to the top of the hill covered with long hairy grass. Group one (Jihad) pick their spots between the dinning hall and the peak of the hill. In three sharp blows of the whistle, we were off and so was the deafening thunder and lighting. As we bolted down the hill the thunder rolled around us, we ducked as we saw a flash of a torch lay upon us. You could hear the names being called as people tried to figure out who you were in the dark, murky night. Arriving back at the supper room we had heard that only a few people made it, and everyone was battered and bruised. Then we heard the whistle blow again and we knew the game was over.
Lucy.H and Alice

Room 11 Camp

Go- karting
We went speeding round the corners nearly tripping over the kart and cashing into the slide . Dust went everywhere for the lucky ones they had sunglasses, but for the unlucky ones had to put up with dust as their own personal sunglasses. The only thing you could hear over the roar of the go karts was people saying stop, go faster, where going to die and look out. The most annoying thing was when the other person in front of you would suddenly stop. However, except for that it felt like we were flying in mid air. The most funniest thing was seeing a Mrs S speeding past on a go kart screaming heaps, so much for no yelling in class!
Ellie and Renee

Camp feature...

On week 6 Rooms 11 and 7 went on Camp at Bridge Valley Ultimate Adventure Camp. On our first round of activities one of our favourite ones we were rock climbing! :) 
It was a 10m wall that the army use to train on! :) 
There were two walls a hard wall and a easy wall. We both made it up both walls.:) 
They were so much fun!!!!! On the inside of the wall was a caving system. There were so many was to get up the wall.
Kaitlyn and Hana
Once upon a time a small class of Year 8 students from Mapua school embarked on an adventure wilder than any imaginable dream. It all started at Bridge Valley Adventure camp on the 12th of March 2010. For the next five days this group of students will have to push themselves to the limits and overwhelm all challenges thrown upon them. This group of students are determined. This group of students are strong. They accept the challenge.



Hi Everyone,
We have just come back from are awesome camp at Bridge Valley and we think you should know what we did.
The day started of as a buzz as our fellow classmates waited for the morning bell to ring, as soon as it rang we were off into the class ready to hear our briefing and head off to camp, but they were disappointed when we had to do a test.
After our disappointment we headed of to camp. We arrived after at least 45 minutes and were glad to be there.

We had a quick tour, and were raring to go. Everybody couldn't wait to get into a week of activities including Go-Karting, Burma trail and loads more.