Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Kaleb & Bradens Goals For Term 4

Braden's goal is to have as much fun and learn as much as I can in the time given because it is the last term before I go to high school so this may be the last time I see my class mates in years.

Kaleb's goal is to get a cup at the year 8 leaving assembly and to win the touch tournament. Also I would like to get a good report.
this term I want to find what I want to do when I am older so that I have a better idea when I get to high school so I can focus on that area of work a little more. I would also to try my best to get 100% on my math mate score.
This term I am going to try extremely hard in athletics because each year I have done fairly well but I would like to get 3's on at leased half of the events.

goals this term

Our goals this term is to be successful in the careers day

Flynn: My goal this term is to work well and effectively at the smokehouse at the Mapua wharf and listen to what my mums says and not to muck around or break anything.

Max: my goal is to obey everything that the person that is instructing me at the garage says and to not break anything at the garage.

Our Goals for Term 4

OK, well, it's Term 4! Wow! What a fast year. It's just zoomed by! This is the fourth and final term of the year. And it's only 7 seven weeks! Yeah! Joking. Anyway, here are our goals for this very, very short term:

Zarek's goal:

Make this the best term of my life, because it is my last term at Mapua School. I am devastated to be leaving. I want this to be the best term ever. And I aim to make the best out of everything. To get out of the term what I put in, which is a lot. I really have had the best education that anyone could ever receive.

Lara's goal:

My term 4 goal is to strive to be the best at athletics, and try to get into the relay teams so that I can represent the school in our Athletics day. I want to be the best because I am very passionate about sport, and feel that you should always enjoy and try your best at everything!

Jade and Dylan's life cycle

Hello and welcome too Mapua school's blog and Dylan and Jade have got a new topic for term 4
can you guess what it is ??
well we are doing CAREERS!!
We have started careers for our last term before we go to a next stage in life which is a night mare,college DA DA DA.
We are making a visual image of what we would do when we are older.
For careers day Dylan is thinking of going to an aquarium and jade is going to go to a joiner for the day.
our goal's for success Dylan's goals are to try his best to get a mental image of what he is like and to do more sports like touch and swimming
Jade's goals are to get better at swimming because he wants to go swimming in the sea and he cant swim that well yet .

You only get out of life what you put into it

You only get out of life what you put into it. That is our teachers favourite motto, it practically means that you can't expect things to happen without trying, you can only achieve something if you work for it. So for us Yr 8s, this is the term to work hard to achieve our goals at Mapua school.

Emily's Goals ;
I would like to get at least three '3s' at athletics day, that is the highest amount of points you can get for each individual activity.
It would be fantastic to get good scores for my high school tests.
When I go to my work experience, to get involved in the activities and be able to do the job properly and efficiently.

Laura's Goals ;
I would love to get at least two 'excellence' in my report this year.
To get into the talent quest and come 1st, 2nd or 3rd place.
When the tests for high school come around I would be over joyed to get great scores.
To get another maths award at the awards assembly.

Well it is sad that this is the last term for us at Mapua School, but hopefully we will achieve our goals.
By Laura and Emily

Goals For Term 4 Georgia & Harriett

Georgia's goals
This term I hope to get a better score for Athletics than I did last year. I am also really looking forward to starting our careers unit and going to the careers expo. Another thing I am excited about this term are the Whenua Iti overnight stay for the house leaders and looking forward to the Aquatic centre and rabbit island trip.

Harriett's goals
This Term I am aiming to get the most improved cup for my maths. I think I have greatly improved in self-confidence and my written work. I have been spending a lot of spare time at home (both this year and last year) going on online games and going over things I don't understand by doing more of it. I used to have to go up to the teachers desk A LOT during maths time because I could work out the problem, but now that rarely happens. It would be a really great end to my last year at Mapua School. I will have felt that I had really achieved something.

Our hopes for this term


I would like to get a 3 in at least one of the events in Athletics. I would also like to get in the top 10 for the Talent Quest. I would also like to get a 2 in high jump because I normally only get a 1. In the disco I would also like to do some more of the announcing on the stage.


I would like to make it over the high jump and get a very high score in the long jump at the Athletics. I want our band to play well at the rock fest.

Eden and Eva's goals for this term....

Eden's goal: My goal for this term is to improve my fitness skills so I'm ready for athletics, another goal of mine is to improve on my mathematics. I also would like to be the best I can at singing and piano/keyboard so I can perform well at the talent quest.
Eva's goal: My goal is to complete the level I am in, in chinese and to pass my exams so I can move onto the next level. My goal for school is to improve on my dance with Laura for the upcoming Talent Quest.

Hannah & Sophie Goals

Our goals for this term are to get through the class auditions and and if so do well in the big talent quest. To achieve this goal we will work hard, practise a lot and be all we can when we preform. We will work hard on our weaknesses and improve on our strenghts to perfect our performance.

Another goal we are both striving to reach is to get the the most out of the one day that we spend at out chosen work place on the topic of careers. We will make sure we achieve this goal by listening and absorbing all the needed and important information.

What We Want To Achieve This Year

I want to improve my guitar skills so that my band and I can perform with confidence and sound good, I have lessons every Thursday at school, so this should be achievable.

I also want to achieve well academically, do my best in all subjects and improve my strengths and weaknesses.

I would like to compete in the Nelson A&P Show with my dog in the dog handling category and come in one of the placing, he knows a few tricks, but I'd like to teach him more.

Careers day is next week and I am going to Halifax, a vet in Nelson, to hopefully gain some knowledge of what it is like to be a vet and learn some helpful tips on how to become a good one.

I would like to be able to play the drums so that when the band of four that we are more than amazing when we perform.

I would also like to be a bit of a mathematician so i want to achieve as much as i can in maths and learn as much math as possible and not get board of it.

Also one other thing I'd like to achieve is that i be, maybe not the fastest but one of the fastest people in the school so that at athletics so I can be useful for the school and know that I've done something for the school

Monday, October 3, 2011

Term 3 - Week 10 Newsletter/Home Learning....

Last week of the term, enjoy our 'passion week'
Mrs S