Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Colleges.....Where to go! ♥

Hey guys its Lid and Luc, ✰
As you know us year 8's have to make a big step up ☝ to college and the decision of where to go is not easy.☹ There are so many choices and all the schools around here are brilliant!☺ Most of the open nights have already been held, they were interesting and informative. Still to come though is the Nelson Collage and The Nelson Collage for girls open night. Lydia and I, are both thinking of going to Nelson College for Girls as it has a wide range of opportunities and is located in a convenient place. We are both really nervous and excited about making that big step of going up to college and working in a year 9 atmosphere. Its going to be a new adventure and we are looking forward to it.❤

❀ Lid & Lucy x ❀

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